73.267 Bright-line Brown-eye larva, found on cabbage at Skircoat Green allotments, Sept. 4th 2010.
73.267 Bright-line Brown-eye, Apr. 22nd 2011. Reared from the larva pictured above.
73.270 Dot Moth to MV light at Gauxholme, Todmordon on July 31st 2021. A pristine specimen of this understated moth. Photographed at one of Cath Baker's moth breakfasts.
73.274 Cabbage Moth eggs July 30th 2015. They were found on a Brussel Sprout plant in my garden at Skircoat Green a few days earlier.
73.274 Cabbage Moth eggs and larva, Aug.1st 2015, details above. A rare photo opportunity of larvae hatching.
73.274 Cabbage Moth larva on a cabbage plant at Skircoat Green allotment, Aug. 17th 2010.
73.274 Cabbage Moth, Apr. 23rd 2011. Reared from larvae found on cabbage plants at Skircoat Green allotments the previous autumn.
73.276 Campion in my garden at Skircoat Green, June 5th 05. A daytime observation.
73.293 Smoky Wainscot at Cromwell Bottom dipping ponds, July 5th 2018. Disturbed from the long grass - a field observation.
73.293 Smoky Wainscot resting on Silver Birch and showing its distinctive, dusky hindwing. A field observation at night at Tag meadow, Cromwell Bottom, July 25th 2017.
73.294 Southern Wainscot to MV light at the cabin, Cromwell Bottom, July 21st 2018.
73.298 Clay, one of three to light at Cromwell Bottom NR, June 30th 2018.
73.301 Shoulder-striped Wainscot to Anthony Arak's Robinson trap at Paul's place at Scammonden on June 5th 2022. It was a sheltered location on an otherwise cool and breezy night but that was soon forgotten about when I had my first ever sighting of a Badger at a set right next to the trap. A memorable night.
73.302 Obscure Wainscot to actinic light at the lagoon, Cromwell Bottom on June 11th 2023. One of 4 caught overnight.
73.313 White-line Dart at Skircoat Green allotments, Aug. 12th 06. Gen. det. Charlie Fletcher.
73.313 White-line Dart at Skircoat Green allotments, July 23rd 2010. Captured by day.
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