5.001 Sorrel Cap (Opostega salaciella) to MV light at Hollin Hall, Hardcastle Crags on July 21st 2017. The basal segments of the antennae are modified in to eye-caps so when the moth is at rest they shield the eyes. They share this feature with the Nepticulids and Bucculatricids.

6.005 Birch Cutter (Heliozela hammoniella) mine and cut-out in Downy Birch, Norland Bilberry Slopes, Oct. 8th 2017. The larva mines the petiole then in to the mid-rib and finally the leaf blade where it makes a blotch mine. It excises this mine and uses it to create a protective case before falling to the ground to pupate. It leaves behind a neat oval encompassed by a dead, brown "lasso". It was interesting to dissect the mine tracing the tunnel of frass back to the base of the petiole.

10.001 Oak Blotch-miner (Tischeria ekekebladella) mine in oak, Eaves Top wood, Nov. 23rd 2016.

10.001 Oak Blotch-miner (Tischeria ekekebladella) mine and larval chamber in oak, Norland village, Feb. 2nd 2012. Carefully peeling back the chamber wall reveals an overwintering larva.

10.001 Oak Blotch-miner (Tischeria ekekebladella) Apr. 3rd 2010. Reared from mines found in oak in North Dean wood the previous October.

10.003 Bramble Blotch-miner (Coptotriche marginea) mine in bramble, Tag meadow, Cromwell Bottom, Mar. 22nd 2018. In late winter the mines have weathered and whitened, they are a blotch with random fingers protruding in to the leaf blade. 

10.003 Bramble Blotch-miner (Coptotriche margineamine with the larva to the right hand side. They were in bramble at Bankhouse wood, Feb. 7th 09. A strange experience searching for leaf mines while there's still a good covering of snow on the ground.

10.003 Bramble Blotch-miner (Coptotriche marginea), May 1st 2014. Reared from a mine in Bramble found in Long wood on Mar. 14th the same year.

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